Dairy Edit

11 May 2016

The Chairman of the Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association’s Dairy Council has called for a review of the pricing structure in the Australian dairy industry

North-East farmer Andrew Lester said that on-going uncertainty and the retroactive pricing system of the two leading dairy processors is crippling the State’s industry.

“A minimum price would provide some surety to Tasmanian farmers, which will be required for on-going investment into the sector.

“We’re also calling on the processors to make announcements on the opening season price as soon as possible, so that farmers have the certainty they need to plan for the season ahead,”

“The dairy industry is a vital part of the Tasmanian economy. The flow-on effects from these decisions will affect rural communities throughout the State.

“Efforts are being made to ensure the best outcome for Tasmanian dairy farmers, but the industry needs to work together to ensure a brighter future

Mr Lester encouraged farmers to seek assistance from industry stakeholders, including the TFGA, Rural Business Tasmania, and Rural Alive and Well (RAW). He also flagged that, through Dairy Australia, DairyTas is expanding the Taking Stock program and employing farm consultants to give one-on-one advice which will be a valuable resource for farmers.

“If you know of anyone who is struggling at the moment we urge you to contact someone who can help. It’s also important that we look after each other during these tough times.”